St. Louis Parents

Frequently Asked Questions

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We realize that joining an established playgroup can be intimidating but we would like to assure you that we won't bite!  The members are close but never hesitate to welcome new participants into the group. 
I'm a working parent.  What do you have to offer me? 
We have a lot of working parents involved with the board and welcome any one to step up and plan an evening or weekend play date. 
My kids are older and I really don't have time for extra activities, can I just use the board? 
Absolutely!  We have several wonderful members who are just like you and they're treated the same as those who are active in the offline activities.  We love learning about people in our area and are always willing to offer feedback or just a shoulder for you.
I'm shy and this group looks large.  Is there anything a little less overwhelming available?
Let us know!  We're more than happy to ease any member into the group as slowly as they like.  If you'd be more comfortable with one or two moms meeting up with you, it can be arranged easily.  We just want every mom to get the support she deserves!
I'm not into the play date scene right now, can I still join in on the adult activities? 
You're more than welcome!  On occasion we have an event that requires that you be "vouched" for.  This is done when the event is at a member's house and we want to make sure she stays safe.  In that event, we're more than happy to meet up with you for as little or as much time as you can spare.
Do I have to be involved on the board to go to play dates or other events?
Obviously that's the easiest way, as they are all planned on the board.  Involvement also helps members to get to know you and what you have in common with them...making conversation flow easier.  It's not mandatory though.  We have several members who don't post very much but do show up at events.  We've even had some people show up before joining, just to test the waters.
I'm pregnant with my first, can I join still?
Of course!  We welcome anyone who is a parent, about to be a parent, or wants to be a parent.  You may learn a lot about being a new mom from our group so feel free to ask questions.  We love to talk.

Do you have more questions?  E-mail us!

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