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Race for the Cure
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On June 22 over 45,000 men, women, and children woke up early on a muggy Saturday morning and converged on downtown St. Louis.  Each had their own personal stories about why they were there but there was a common thread in all the stories...Breast Cancer.  Some were there because they had a family member or friend diagnosed with Breast Cancer but all were there in hopes of a future free of Breast Cancer.
In 2001 iVillage sponsered teams around the US for the Race for the Cure.  This year we approached them and asked them if we could walk as Team iVillage again.  They were amazing, as usual, and said we could and sent us t-shirts.  Because of the insane traffic our group has never been able to walk together but we had a great number of participants walking on their own.  I hope to add pictures of each participant in their snazzy looking iVillage shirt soon!
*Click on the pictures to see a larger version.

Lucky girl gets to ride in comfort!
The woman in the picture resting on Olivia is Jazzbuz..

This was our first glimpse of the "line"
At the starting line
Looks small until you round the corner!

Lining up for the walk
Then you see hundreds of people!

So many people!
So many people!

All these supporters!
I was in awe at all the people!

Bunches and bunches of people!
Did I mention all the people?!

The pink shirts mark those who beat breast cancer.

More Race for the Cure Photos

Last of the Race for the Cure pictures

This year "Team iVillage - St. Louis" had personal reasons to walk in the race.  Since August of 2001 two members (decbday and ccwright) have had their mothers fight the disease (one is in remission!!) and one of our long time members (jazzbuz) was diagnosed with the disease just two days prior to the race.  We joined together for these three strong and wonderful ladies to support their fight and for the hope that their grandchildren and children will never have the fear of Breast Cancer!

Ready for the race!

In front of the ballpark
In front of the ballpark

Let the race begin!
8:38 am, 80 degrees, and the walk has started!

A cure begins with a sole
I thought this was a neat shirt

One of the first long stretches of road..
The first stretch
people for as far as you could see in either direction!

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