St. Louis Parents

Member Owned Businesses

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Schedule a party with a member and we'll advertise it in the Upcoming Events!

Bounce St. Louis

We are a full service party and event planning company.  Inflatables, amusement & games rental, concessions, catering and much more!  Your equipment will be delivered to your location by a professional, friendly and prompt staff and includes set-up and delivery.  Take the worries out of your party and let us do the work.  Your satisfaction is our goal.  We guarantee the cleanest and safest equipment in our area.  E-mail us for references!

Breast is Best-

For all your breastfeeding and pregnancy needs!!
Over 32 styles of nursing bras (sizes 32A-48KK), nursing fashions (XS-4X), nursing gowns and pajamas, pumps to own, breastfeeding accessories, nursing pillows, baby slings, health and wellness products, and much more!!
Call toll free 888-398-7987 or visit their web site.
Free shipping and a certified lactation specialist for all of your questions.
Please let them know that Linda Fox referred you.

Discovery Toys-

Educational and developmental games, books, toys, and software for children of all ages.  Get your shipping paid on all orders over $50.  Check out all the toys, games, books and software on the site.

Gold Canyon Candle Company

I am a demonstrator for the Gold Canyon Candle Company. They are by far the best smelling, best value, longest lasting candles you can buy. Open house's can be done in your home or you can take basket of candles to your work to sell. The best thing is they are cash and carry. For either parties, I will have lots of stock for your friends to purchase and people love being able to get their products immediately. Anything that I do not have at party's can be ordered and most of the time can be delivered to you in a couple days. My distributor keeps $12,000 worth of candles at her home and stocks all the scents. Another great thing is you do NOT pay shipping! What could be better than wonderful candles, not waiting for delivery and no costly shipping charges! Contact me, Tonya, if you are interested in hosting a party or are just interested in purchasing candles. You can also purchase off of the website but shipping would be added to that purchase.

Healthy Lifestyles Parties-

Held around the St. Louis area to educate people about health and nutrition for their families.  People are getting sick earlier in life because of the food we are eating (too much fast food, junk food, and processed foods).  I know it can be tough to get our kids (and ourselves) to eat those fruits and veggies like we should.  We will talk about a product that can help bridge the gap between what we eat and what we should eat.  These presentations are educational whether you decide to use this product or not.  The product is Juice Plus- fruits and veggies in a capsule (chewable and gummies for kids).  There have been research studies done by independent parties that are published in peer review medical journals.  At these parties you can sample the product as well.
I would love to do a presentation for a group from the St. Louis board or you can come to one already scheduled.  E-mail me for dates and locations or if you want to schedule one for the group, let me know a time and place that is good for you.

Lifestyle Portraiture by Ron Klein

Mary Kay

Take a look at some of the new products.  If you would like to host a party, just let me know!

Miclyn's Designs-

Now available - Mom's Brag Bracelets. Visit our website for styles, all members receive 20% off each order. E-mail me with any questions.

Partylite Candles and Gifts-

Independent Consultant: Tina Risley
Absolutely no start up fee!  Flexible, great way to stay at home with your family.  Get the income you have always dreamed of.  Be in business for yourself not by yourself!  Light a candle and ignite your dreams.  For more information call 314-650-3086 or e-mail.

Southern Living at Home-

For more information, call 636-262-0489 or e-mail Michelle.

To have your ad placed here e-mail us.

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